Hello readers! How are all of you? Hope everyone fine! Blissful with smile! What the hell am I talking about?I do not wish to update a very emo entry but I just can't help it. Yesterday while I was writing notes for OOAD modules, I was looking at my table. I was glancing at the picture that was taken 9 years ago. The picture of my mom,my late father and me. The three of us were hugging and smiling. That day was Hari Raya. I glanced at my late father's picture for a few seconds. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with my own feeling. I always missed his laughter and jokes.Whenever someone ask about, " Your father work as what?" , I will stop and think. What should I say? I reluctantly said that he passed away. I felt sad that I have to said that. Yes I know I shall not be stupid and selfish! In this entire whole world not only me without a father. I was considered lucky enough to know my father. I still remember my first raya without my father, back in 2006. When I heard the "takbir" , I cried unknowingly. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I could not stop crying.It was always my father who make me angry and happy at the same time. He dotes on me without me realizing.Never dd I aspect to lose my father. Once, my mum said that my late father has this worry which was whether will he get to see me grow up to be a woman. When she mention that I felt sad.But I know he is with me right now. He is always with me because I hold his memories in my heart all along. I just wish that I could hug him and kiss him right now. I was not a good daughter.
I guess I should stop. I am sorry. Well I shall smile more now (: